Archives for category: Resource

Hello everyone,

The past couple of months have been tumultuous to say the least. Long story short, I’m now working for a magazine publishing house after a good recommendation from a friend, which is a reason to always make new connections and to cherish ones that you’ve already got.

I want to share with y’all a few resources I’ve stumbled upon while researching a things for my work.
Things ranging from website design process, how to get a step ahead of your competition when it comes to finding clients,

The making of the Pulkovo Airport website
The first resource being a website that shows the process of creating a website. There’s plenty of sites and books about creating logos or brands but stepping into website design is completely new and foreign to me. Check it out, and there’s more examples once you click on the homepage.


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As designers we constantly need to be on the lookout for inspiration. I’ve stumbled upon which is created by Chris Armstrong and Pete Hawkins. Niice pulls from sites like behance, fubiz, to populate any search term you may want to draw inspiration from.


Have you ever wanted to pick the brains of your design hero?
As a young designer out of college you realize that there are a ton of information that they did not teach you at school. It’s not that they couldn’t but most of this information is learned through experience.

Learn the Secret Handshake allows young designers like myself a little bit of that insight from those that have paved the way before us. This site allows you to see specific things that people look for in a portfolio, resume or a designer in general. Who knows, maybe you’ll get your Aha! moments with sage advice like this.

Your portfolio is not what you did, but what you’re going to do next. – Tobias van Schneider

So check them out, it’s a wonderful resource for knowledge and inspiration.

Learn The Secret Handshake

No this isn’t an Abduzeedo marketing plug. I just thought to share some free typefaces that I’ve encountered on the internet.
Download them for free or if you wish you can also donate.

Noupe – 44 free fonts for creative designers

Benbrushdesign – 9 high quality free donts everyone should have


Here are some that I liked.
